How to earn without money
I know you ever have seen this stupid topic. I saw it's last week on the internet. I was thinking " can it do in real life?". and I got the idea.ok. I know you didn't have time. So let us talk about my idea. (This is completely my opinion). You can get a bank loan and you can spend that's money to buy coconut land. Ok. Now you think "how I pay installment for the bank loan?" You already have coconut land. You can use the proceeds from the coconut to pay down the loan installments. Imagine your loan installment is 100,000. You can earn 150000 in coconut land. Now you have an extra 50000. You can use it for maintains in your coconut land. Once you have completed your loan installment, the full profit of the coconut land is yours. That's the way to earn without money. You can do it with your style.
I'll catch you later. See you in the next article. Bye!
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