Avoid purchases that are likely to depreciate rapidly
This topic is very important for how to be rich. So we need to learn how to avoid purchases that are likely to decline rapidly. First, we need to know about the matter of rapid decay. How do we find it? Suppose you are buying a new car. Now you may think "Wow that's a big investment" but if you read "Rich Dad and Poor Dad" you might remember Mr. Robert Kiyosaki explaining it. Big houses, new vehicles are not wise investments. These are investments that continue to exploit our wealth. because if you bought a new house you have to buy new furniture, you have to maintain it annually. I don't tell you you don't want to buy a new house but you don't do it till you will be rich. another example is your new car. it's the same thing as your new house. because if you buy a new expensive car you have to maintain it at least every six months.that's the explanation of Mr.robert Kiyosaki's
Some athletes made millions of dollars at the age of 24 and fell asleep under a bridge at age 34. I see this as a fate of spending on things that are worthless. Now we learn about the difference between assets and bonds. I explain it using two images
The cash flow pattern of assets
This image talks about how to assets work for us. A good asset gives us a great income.
The cash flow pattern of bonds
This image talks about how to bonds destroy us. Bonds destroy your money.
I hope you understand why you always want to buy good assets and why you should avoid buying fast depreciating
My advice is don't spend money on fast decay purchases until you're rich!
Buy Rich dad & poor dad: https://www.amazon.com/Rich-Dad-Poor-Teach-Middle/dp/1612680194/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1J9COM1ZYAGV3&keywords=rich+dad+poor+dad&qid=1574764600&sprefix=rich+%2Caps%2C425&sr=8-1
"Don't spend money on stupid stuff." = https://dreamxsl.blogspot.com/2019/12/dont-spend-money-on-stupid-stuff.html
Thanks For Reading!
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